
Welcome to the website of Hareonna Diversity Ltd!

Hareonna Diversity, founded by Natalie Doig (née Salmon) in 2010 is a company that provides practical down to earth advice and training in the areas of disability, equality and diversity. This includes training in broader areas of using social media in the third sector,  campaigning, team development, and health and wellbeing at work too. 


During February 2021 I was privileged to be appointed to the Vision Foundation’s Impact and Grant Making Committee.  

During the summer of 2020 I was delighted to offer my advice to English Heritage’s Eltham Palace on the accessibility or their socially distanced route around their grounds.

I am pleased to let you know that I have been appointed to Transport for London’s Independent Disability Advisory Group

I am pleased to announce that in January 2016 I was appointed to HMRC’s Charter Committee where I represent disabled people, those who need extra support from HMRC and small businesses. The role of the Charter Committee is to scrutinise and monitor HMRC’s progress in meeting and promoting it’s Your Charter principles. You can find out more about it here

On this website

On this website you will find information about Natalie and her experience, the contracts delivered by Hareonna Diversity to date, information about services offered like training, policy and research, There is also Hareonna Diversity Blog, which keeps you up to date with developments in the world of disability, equality and diversity as well as what Natalie is up to!

There is a link at the top menu if you want to contact Natalie 

© Natalie Doig 2021