Geting my website ready!

I am writing a few blog entries before my website goes live so that at least there will be something for visitors to read! So I am hoping to launch this site at the beginning of February 2013. Setting up the website made me realise how much I have actually delivered since starting my business. I do often get asked why did I decided to run my own business rather than be employed. I'm certainly not like some of the entrepreneurs you see on Dragon's Den with wacky business ideas. 

No I decided to set up my own business because I wanted to be able to work at what I was good and enjoyed. We moved to Bedfordshire in 2010 and it seemed like a good time to start something new. We might have been in a down tern (and little did I know that it would turn out being as bad as it is recession wise) but I was positive that I could offer services that others needed in a practical way with practical and realistic prices too! 

© Natalie Doig 2021