News Round Up

Each week I'll try to provide some links to interesting news stories

The Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee criticise disability benefits testing: 

Here is how the BBC reported the story that the Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee had criticised the Department for Work and Pensions and the private company ATOS for their track record on awarding disability benefits. With 38% of appeal cases being awarded against the DWP the committee was concerned about value for money as well as how it was affecting disabled people in a real sense.

The Blackpool Gazette report on the story as their MPs have commented on the report. (I like to see how regional press comment on important stories!)

Historic vote on gay marriage

Last week the House of Commons took the first step in making gay marriage a reality. I thought it was quite interesting to see how the Los Angeles Times have covered the story today.

The Telegraph were feeling more pessimistic about how the vote in the Lords would go with their story at the weekend 

Diva Magazine had a much more upbeat article about the vote with some interesting quotes from the debate.

Mid Staffordshire NHS: Francis report into neglect

 As the Francis report into neglect of patients and mismanagement at Stafford Hospital was published last week many organisations commented on the report, it's findings and recommendations for the future.

Understandably Age Cymru issued comments on the day the report was published as so many of the patients neglected were older people. Age UK also issued a full briefing about the report which can be found here

Today the Guardian Healthcare Network publish a comment piece on how to make the most out of the recommendations in the report.

© Natalie Doig 2021